Friday, February 27, 2015

Oracle Assets Profile Options


Below profile options are using the oracle asset module.

FA: Allow Swiss Special Assets

FA: Annual Rounding

FA: Archive Table Sizing Factor

FA: Batch Size

FA: Cache Sizing Factor

FA: Custom Generate CCID

FA: Default DPIS to Invoice Date

FA: Deprn Single

FA: Enable Depreciation Override

FA: Generate Asset Level Account

FA: Generate Book Level Accounts

FA: Generate Category Level Accounts

FA: Generate Depreciation Expense Accounts

FA: Japan 2007 Tax Reforms Features

FA: Mass Copy All Cost Adjustments

FA: Maximum Projection Extent

FA: Number of Parallel Requests

FA: Print Debug

FA: Print Timing Diagnostics

FA: Security Profile

FA: Tax Asset Type Category Segment for Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Report

FA: Use Threshold

FA: Use Workflow Account Generation

FADI: Create Asset Privileges

FADI: Physical Inventory Privileges

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

APP-SQLAP-10771: Could not reserve record.



APP-SQLAP-10771: Could not reserve record.

Unable to pay the AP invoice in full, Got above error while performing the action –> pay in full


Database lock from another session is present on the table AP_INVOICES_ALL, AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL, AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL for the same record that user was trying to modify from application.

1) To determine what session has a lock on this record, please execute the following steps:
         a) Run the following to determine what tables are locked:
                --- --- ---
                SELECT a.object_id, a.session_id, substr(b.object_name, 1, 40)
                FROM v$locked_object a, dba_objects b
                WHERE a.object_id = b.object_id
                AND b.object_name like 'AP_%'
                ORDER BY b.object_name;
                --- --- ---
         b) Look at the results and insert whatever AP_% tables are returned from a) into the script below:
                --- --- ---
                SELECT l.*, o.owner object_owner, o.object_name
                FROM SYS.all_objects o, v$lock l
                WHERE l.TYPE = 'TM'
                AND o.object_id = l.id1
                --- ---
                SELECT SID, SERIAL#
                FROM v$session
                WHERE SID = <SID from b)>;
                --- --- ---
  2) Once the locking sessions have been identified, please use the below command to kill such sessions.
            --- --- ---
            ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION 'sid,serial#' IMMEDIATE;
            Note: SID and serial# to be taken from the output from 1c).
            --- --- ---

Alternative Solution
If there are many items locked you may find it easier to follow this alternative solution:
   a) Ensure no-one is working and no processes are running in the system.
   b) Bounce the database.
   c) Retest the issue.

Friday, February 13, 2015

PERF0005: Oracle error detected in glpsqs() - ORA-20001:An active swquence assignment is required. ORA-06512

PERF0005: Oracle error detected in glpsqs()  - ORA-20001:An active swquence assignment is required. ORA-06512


Accounting sequence has been wrongly defined in the Accounting Set Up.

Accounting sequences are not required or used for the ledger, but this is enabled by checking the "Require Assignment" box in the processing options in the accounting set up.

However, assignments have not been defined or enabled. When posting is submitted, it will search for an active sequence assignment. Since it has not been defined for the ledger, posting will fail with the above error.

To check if the sequence is assigned and active for categories, run the following sql

      dsa.start_date Assgn_St_date,
      dsa.end_date Assgn_End_date,
      ds.start_date Seq_st_Date,
      ds.end_date Seq_End_Date,
 FROM fnd_doc_sequence_assignments dsa,
      fnd_document_sequences ds,
      gl_je_categories_tl jct,
      gl_ledgers led,
  fnd_application_tl app
WHERE dsa.doc_sequence_id = ds.doc_sequence_id
  AND jct.je_category_name = dsa.category_code
  AND app.application_id = ds.application_id
  AND led.ledger_id = dsa.set_of_books_id
  AND dsa.end_date < (sysdate - 30) -- Shows seq assignments which ended less than 30 days before the current date
  AND led.ledger_id = &LedgerId;

To disable the accounting sequence required check box as follows :-

1. Go to GL > Accounting Set Up Manager > Sequencing (Update)

2. Uncheck the option for "Require Assignment.

3. This will disable the requirement for assignment.

4. Re-submit posting.

Monday, February 2, 2015

device eth0 does not exist Virtualbox


Error when pinging in Linux while its running on VirtualBox:

“device eth0 does not exist Virtualbox”





When you install others VMs the change in the MAC address forces a Linux feature which sets up the new eth1 instead of eth0
edit the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules or you can delete the rules and Linux will configure it on the next boot
On Solaris you would need to setup the network again


Now we can able to ping the IP, IP mac address will be configured automatically when Linux next time
