Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How to export all block data from oracle form..

Set profile option:

"FND Export All Block Data" at site, responsibility or user level.


Setting up this profile option at site level will consume more APPS_TS_TX_MEDIA tablespace

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Cost Mangement Subledger Accounting (SLA) Data Flow Chart

Important columns affected:

After a transaction is performed in forms:
mtl_material_transactions.costed_flag = 'N'

After the Cost Manager Picks up the data and processes it:
mtl_material_transactions.costed_flag is Null
xla_events.event_status_code = 'U'
xla_events.process_status_code = 'U'

After the Create Accounting - Cost Management is run:
xla_events.event_status_code = 'P'
xla_events.process_status_code = 'P'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_status_code = 'N'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_date is Null

After the Transfer To GL is run:
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_date is Not Null

Queries involved:

select * from mtl_material_transactions where transaction_id = '&transaction_id'

select * from mtl_transaction_accounts where transaction_id = '&transaction_id'

select * from XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES_upg where source_id_int_1 = '&transaction_id'

select * from xla_events where entity_id in (select entity_id from XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES_upg where source_id_int_1 = '&transaction_id')

select * from xla_distribution_links where source_distribution_type = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS' and source_distribution_id_num_1 in (select inv_sub_ledger_id from mtl_transaction_accounts where transaction_id = '&txnid')

select * from xla_ae_headers where ae_header_id in (select ae_header_id from xla_distribution_links where source_distribution_type = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS' and source_distribution_id_num_1 in (select inv_sub_ledger_id from mtl_transaction_accounts where transaction_id = '&txnid'))

select * from xla_ae_lines where ae_header_id in (select ae_header_id from xla_distribution_links where source_distribution_type = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS' and source_distribution_id_num_1 in (select inv_sub_ledger_id from mtl_transaction_accounts where transaction_id = '&txnid'))

select * from gl_import_references where gl_sl_link_table = 'XLAJEL' and gl_sl_link_id in (<give the gl_sl_link_id from result of query 7>)

select * from gl_je_lines where je_header_id in (<give the je_header_id from result of query 8>) and je_line_num in ('<result from query 8>')

select * from xla_accounting_errors where event_id in (select event_id from xla_events where entity_id in (select entity_id from XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES_upg where source_id_int_1 = '&transaction_id'))

GL - XLA - AR Functionality

There is no one-to-one mapping between AR, XLA and GL.

The data that actually posts to the GL comes from the XLA tables and not AR. Depending on the Application Accounting Definition (AAD) rules you have defined, one row that appears in AR could become 10 rows in XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS, but when the data is posted into the GL, the accounts of the same type and ccid are merged to a single entry.

For example, a transaction could have 34 gl_dist rows, but 201 rows in ar_distribution_links, but when it actually posts, consolidates to 9 rows in gl_import_references.

The main link to bind information together is the GL_SL_LINK_ID. This field exists in GL_JE_LINES, GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES and XLA_AE_LINES tables.

Also, the XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table contains the application_id, event_id, ae_header_id, ae_line_num from the XLA Tables and source_distribution_id_num_1 will be the cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id in the case of a transaction.







Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Unable to Search Customer in Customers HTML Form after creating through Customer Interface

Customer successfully created through Customer Interface
Query the newly created customer in the Customer Masters screen, and system won't show this customer
Same Customer appears in the customer list in the Sales Order form in OM and the Transactions Form in AR
Not able to View/Find/Search the Customer from Customer Forms
There is no problem with Manually created Customers

So need to make sure those data are in staged table.
After importing the customers via customer interface you need to run the 'DQM Staging Program' to make it available in the Customer search .


Please run DQM Staging program with STAGE_ALL_DATA parameter.
Once this program finishes successfully, Customer can be searched in Customers form.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Unable to import Payroll journal in GL "This new code combination includes summary segment"


This new code combination includes summary segment
EF04    This is an invalid Accounting Flexfield.  Check your cross-validation rules and segment values.


To import journals from a subledger into General Ledger:

     1.  Navigate to the import journals form.

     2.  Enter a source and group ID.

     3.  Select run options and import descriptive flexfields option.

     4.  Enter a date range.

     5.  Click on the [Import] button.

This spawns a concurrent request.  In the view my request form the process
completed with a status of "Normal."

Click on [Report] and view the journal import execution report, the following
error is shown:

      EF04:  This is an invalid Accounting Flexfield.
             Check the cross-validation rules and segment values.

The specific error message is:
'Value 000 has been disabled'
for disabled segment values and
'This new code combination includes summary segment'
for parent segment values

This error is specific to journal import and is not caused by consolidation
mappings.  The only reason the error show up when consolidation is run is due
to the run option (journal import) being enabled in the consoldation mapping
form.  If the process is run separately, the error will show up on the journal

Cross-validation rules are set up as follows:

Include: AAA.AAAAAA.AAAAA.AAA.AAA.AAAAA - 999.999999.99999.999.999.99999
Exclude: AAA.131000.AAAAA.AAA.001.AAAAA - 999.131000.99999.999.999.99999
change: NOTE ROLE:  The Navigation Path is:
            Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
       Navigation = Setup>Financials>Flexfields>Key Rules
       Form Name  = FNDFFMCV (Cross-Validation Rules)

            Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
       Navigation: Setup>Financials>Flexfields>Key>Segments
   Form Name  = FNDFFMIS (Key Flexfield Segments)
cause: Cross validation rules and/or segment values exist which do not
allow the journal import process to complete successfully.


The following options are supported:

I.   Check cross-validation rules defined as follows:
     1.  Navigate to cross-validation rules form.

     2.  Cross validation rules evaluate from numeric to alphanumeric.

        a. Include should be:
           000.000000.00000.000.000.00000 - AAA.AAAAAA.AAAAA.AAA.AAA.AAAAA

        b. Exclude should be:

           999.131000.99999.999.999.99999 - AAA.131000.AAAAA.AAA.001.AAAAA

II.  Check segment values as follows:
     This error could also mean that posting is being attempted to a parent
     account.  Oracle General Ledger does not allow posting to parent accounts.
     Change the values to non-parent values or create child accounts and
     use those accounts to post to.  Make these changes on the
     Segment Values form.

III. Disable the cross-validation rule that is causing the error and re-run the
     consolidation process with the run option set to run journal import.

IV.  Change the cross-validation rules to not exclude the combination that is
     causing the error.

V.   Fix the combination at the source and re-run process.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

APP-SQLAP-10715 This purchase order closed for invoice. You may want to review purchase order before continuing with this match.

Matching an invoice to a PO for the entire quantity closes the PO for invoicing.
When the matched invoice line is discarded (using the Discard button), this reverses the PO match. 

The Match button is again available, so the invoice is matched again to the same PO for a different quantity. 

At that time, the following message occurs: 

APP-SQLAP-10715: This purchase order line is closed for invoicing. You may want to review the purchase order before continuing with this match.


In R12, when we discard the line, the status is updated only at validation time. 

Similarly, we update the quantity billed and amount billed for PO's when we match or reverse, but the status is affected ONLY when we validate the invoice. 

So, after pressing the Discard button, validate the invoice before proceeding with any other actions on the invoice.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to create supplier as a customer in R12

Customer has to create from supplier..

Attach the profile option at site level.

AR: Show parties without Accounts in DQM

Step – 2
Create the supplier..

Step – 3
Note down the register number
Navigate to receivables responsibility and query the customer using registry number…and click GO

Step – 4
This will query the records from HZ_PARTIES tables, since supplier information will not have customer page such as Account number, description, Bill to and ship to sites.

We must create the customer account manually by click “Create Account” and add further information such as bill to and ship to etc…

Now supplier is also been a Customer ..

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fully paid prepayment showing "Unpaid" Status



Invalid data in AP_INVOICES_ALL

select * from AP_INVOICES_ALL where invoice_id =&invoice_id find the wrong data


if the invoice is fully paid, the status PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG should be Y.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended solution.

2. Run the following scripts in a TEST environment first:
create table SR_XXX_aia as
select *
from ap_invoices_all
where invoice_id =&invoice_id;
update ap_invoices_all
set payment_status_flag = 'Y'
where invoice_id =&invoice_id;


-- one row updated

3. If you are satisfied with the results, issue a commit.

4. Confirm that the data is corrected when viewed in the Oracle Applications.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Difference & Use of Fiscal Calendar, Depreciation Calendar and Prorate Calendar

Fiscal year where you define your fiscal year start and end date.

Depreciation calendar is the dividing the fiscal year in to different periods like 12 periods, 24 periods etc. Based on teh number of periods you define in depreciation calendar you need to run depreciation for those many periods

Prorate calendar is used only for internal depreciation calculation purpose like if you want depreciation to be based on by days then your prorate calendar has to be a daily calendar. If you want the depreciation only a monthly basis then it has to be a monthly calendar

Monday, October 19, 2015

Cannot Add or Update AP Invoice Distribution of PO Matched Invoices

Cannot change the charge account if PO has a destination type = Inventory or shop floor. This means that AP must use the accrual account

If user were allowed to change the account on the invoice, this would cause the accrual account to be out of balance. As a result the application restricts the user from changing the account at this point in time.

The user would need to discard the invoice line - which would reverse the invoice distribution in question. Then the user would need to correct the PO so the destination item was not inventory or shop floor. Then re-match the invoice.

This is intended functionality

Common Payable Invoice Issues with Fixes


INV.1 : Amount is null for reversed distribution. In this case, invoice cannot be accounted. Accounting fails with error There is no entered amount for the subledger journal entry line."

Resolution :Fix script will update the amount on the original and reversed distribution with 0.

INV.2: Payables Posted Invoice Register errors out due to invoice description containing Junk characters cause

Resolution :Fix script will remove the junk characters from the description.

INV.3: The default CCID on invoice line is -1. When this invoice line is queried on invoice workbench, the following error is displayed:
" APP-FND-00756: Cannot find combination CCID=-1.."

Resolution :Fix script will null out the default CCID.

RCA Bug: Preventive fix 11716947

INV.4: Mismatching operating unit on batches and its invoices.

Resolution :Fix script will null out org_id from batch.

INV.5: Invoice_type_lookup_code NULL for upgraded invoices

Resolution :Fix script will set the invoice type to 'STANDARD'

INV.6: Party_id or Party_site_id mismatch between invoices and ap_suppliers. Such invoices cannot be queried on Invoice workbench when searching on Supplier details.

Resolution :Fix script will set the party_id/party_site_id from Supplier records.

INV.7: Generate_dists flag incorrect for Expense report invoice. For such invoice, on clicking Distribution button, error "APP-SQLAP-10000: ORA-00001: unique
constraint (AP.AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_U1) violated Gen_Dists_From_Registration..." is thrown.

Resolution :Fix script will correct the generate_dists flag.

INV.8: Accrual/cash_posted_flag null for unaccounted distributions

Resolution :Fix script will update the accrual_posted_flag and cash_posted_flag to N.

INV.9: Discarded line has active distributions. In this case, invoice cannot be cancelled.

Resolution :Fix script will mark the discarded line as active.

User Action:User needs to re-discard the line.

RCA: 10226172


CAN.1: Included tax amount is non-zero for cancelled invoice.

Resolution :Included_tax_amount is set to zero by the fix script.

CAN.2: Approval status for cancelled invoice is incorrect.

Resolution :Fix script will update the correct approval status.


MAT.1: PO is not matched, but quantities/amounts are stamped on them.

Resolution :Fix script will clear out the quantity/amount columns on the PO.

MAT.2: UOM code mismatches between PO and AP.

Resolution :Fix script will sync up UOM codes between PO and AP.

MAT.3: Quantity_invoiced mismatches between invoice line and distribution.

Resolution :Fix script will sync the quantity_invoiced on invoice distributions with invoice line.

User Action:No Action required

RCA Bug    :13691308, 9651195, 19314744

MAT.4: Rcv_transaction_id is null for Invoice distributions matched to receipts.

Resolution :Fix script will stamp rcv_transaction on the invoice distributions.

RCA Bug: 10287715


TAX.1: AWT distributions of functional currency invoice have mismatching amount and base_amounts. Such an invoice cannot be accounted.

Resolution :Fix script will correct the base_amount column with the for the identified distributions.

TAX.2: 1099 Payment Report shows double amounts due to inactive supplier site, that is still marked as reportable.

Resolution :Fix script will clear the tax_reporting_site_flag for the inactive supplier sites identified.

RCA Bug: 9115178:R12.POS.A


PRE.1: Operating unit/ Currency mismatches between the Prepayment applied and the standard invoice. Such an invoice cannot be accounted.

Resolution :Fix script will clear the prepayment applied details from the standard invoice.

User Action:Re-apply correct prepayment invoice.

RCA: 6394865

PRE.2: Prepayment unapplication date is before the prepayment application event date. The standard invoice cannotbe accounted.

Resolution :Fix script will update the prepayment events with correct dates.

RCA Bug: 12615938

PRE.3: Validated prepayment invoice has no data in ZX_DET_LINE_FACTORS.

Resolution :Fix script will mark the invoice for force re-validation.

User Action:

1. Validate the invoice.

2. Create and backup:

AP_TEMP_DATA_DRIVER_13579759 data driver table.

AP_DATA_DRIVER_13579759_BKP - Temporary data driver backup

AP_INV_DISTS_13579759_BKP - For below corruptions:

INV.1, INV.2, INV.8, MAT.2, MAT.3, MAT.4, TAX.1, PRE.1

AP_INV_LINES_13579759_BKP - For below corruptions:

INV.2, INV.3, INV.7, INV.9, CAN.1, MAT.2, PRE.1

AP_INVOICES_13579759_BKP - For below corruptions:

INV.5, INV.6, CAN.2, PRE.3

AP_BATCHES_13579759_BKP - For corruption : INV.4

AP_PREP_HIST_13579759_BKP - For corruptions: PRE.1,PRE.2

AP_XLA_EVENTS_13579759_BKP  - For corruptions: PRE.1,PRE.2

AP_XLA_HEADERS_13579759_BKP - For corruptions: PRE.1,INV.2

AP_XLA_LINES_13579759_BKP - For corruptions: PRE.1,INV.2

AP_SITES_13579759_BKP - For corruption : TAX.2

3.  Correct the identified transactions.

Note: The patch referenced in this article is the data fix portion.  It does not eliminate the root cause, therefore the issue could recur.  Please refer to the Root Cause table below and ensure the Root Cause patches are applied as soon a possible to eliminate future recurrences of the problem.

Why it is needed?

Various invoice corruptions can occur due to various invoice bugs. The GDF will correct the above corruptions and create appropriate backup tables.
Script: selection script : ap_one_off_scripts_sel.sql
fix script       : ap_one_off_scripts_fix.sql
The above mentioned issues are identified and corrected once the selection and fix scripts are executed.

When to use it?

This Generic Data Fix patch may have one or more root causes that may cause the condition that this patch corrects. This patch should only be applied when:

Referenced in a published Note as the data fix solution for the issue in that note,
When you are instructed to run it by Support or Development through a Service Request, or,
When it is referenced as a solution in a Diagnostic Script featured in a published Note (e.g: Note 1360390.1).
If you have applied the code fix patches and the data fix patch per instructions from this Note and the issue continues to recur please log an SR with support.

How to use it?

Warning: Run the scripts in test instance, verify the results and only then apply to the production instance.

1. Download and apply patch, it will not run any script.

  AP.A Customers:
  Download and apply Patch 21497508:R12.AP.A  for R12.0.x

  AP.B Customers:
  Download and apply Patch 21497508:R12.AP.B for R12.1.x      

  AP.C Customers:  
  Download Patch 21497508:R12.AP.C and follow note 1582525.1 for ADOP enabled R12.2.x instances.

Note: If a password is required to download the patch, please open a service request to get the proper password.

2. The patch delivers 2 scripts and the latest datafix package code:

ap_one_off_scripts_sel.sql - Select script used to find and report the problem data.
ap_one_off_scripts_fix.sql - Fix script used to fix the problem data.
apgdfalb.pls and apgdfals.pls - Code that delivers the latest datafix package code, package name = AP_Acctg_Data_Fix_PKG. This package provides procedures and functions used by the GDF e.g. backing up the data, displaying the data, etc..

Note: This patch does NOT alter ANY Financials application code.

3. Apply the patch. Run script ap_one_off_scripts_sel.sql.

It expects several parameters to be passed:

1. Start_Date for selection of invoices from a given date format (dd/mm/yyyy) (Eg 01/11/2012)
2. End_Date for selection of invoices to a given date     format (dd/mm/yyyy) (Eg 22/12/2013)
3. Component value :Please enter any one of the values 'INVOICES' ,'CANCEL','MATCHING', 'TAX', 'PREPAY'
4. Email ID as an optional parameter if, user wants to receive generated log file on their email id.
It will create the following:

a) Driver table AP_TEMP_DATA_DRIVER_13579759

b) log file 13579759-diag-<DD_MI_SS>.html which displays the affected transactions.

Note: The instance does not need to be brought down to apply this patch, you can apply it in hotpatch mode e.g. adpatch option=hotpatch.

4.  For the component entered, the corresponding transactions are identified.

5.  Check the report 13579759-diag-<DD_MI_SS>.html to identify/review the affected transactions.

6.  Update process_flag in each driver table AP_TEMP_DATA_DRIVER_13579759 to Y for all the transactions that should be operated on.

7.  To correct the identified records in Step 3 have to be corrected, then run ap_one_off_scripts_fix.sql

    Example:  sqlplus apps/apps@finpqe10

Following parameters are required to execute this script

1. User Name  Format Eg.CBROWN
2. Responsibility Format Eg. Payables Manager
3. Email ID as an optional parameter if, user wants to receive generated log file on their email id.

    This script will generate log file 13579759-fix-<DD_MI_SS>.html.
    This log will also list the backup table names

8.  Please note, for corruptions across different components, the selection script should be run each time with the correct component parameter value.
    Run the fix script to fix the transactions in the driver table. Re-run the selection script for each component.

9.  Check the results. Ensure all the 'User Action' listed under the corruptions in 'Description' are carried out.

10.  To verify if fix script corrected mismatch, run the  selection script ap_one_off_scripts_sel.sql for the same component. The script will not pick up transactions that were corrected by the fix script.

11. For any issues with the script/results please contact Oracle support and supply files 13579759-diag-<DD_MI_SS>.html and 13579759-fix-<DD_MI_SS>.html.
    Log files will be created in the following directory:

    SELECT decode(instr(value,','),0,value,
           SUBSTR (value,1,instr(value,',') - 1))
    FROM   v$parameter
    WHERE  name = 'utl_file_dir';

12. Please apply the listed RCA patches for each corruption type

Note:  GDF#17558081 is must post request patch for MAT1.1, MAT1.2,MAT1.3 corruption types.

Knowledge sources from Oracle support.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

AutoInvoice Date Derivation: GL Date, Invoice Date, Due Date, Ship Date, Billing Date, Rule Date

During the process of AutoInvoice you can enter the General Ledger (GL) date and the Transaction date for a particular transaction explicitly in the relevant columns of the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table or you can allow the AutoInvoice process to derive the dates.

If the dates are provided, AutoInvoice will typically use them. There are a few scenarios where dates cannot be provided as input parameters; these scenarios are discussed in section 2.e titled GL Date Validation.

If the dates are not provided, they will be derived. Date Derivation of the General Ledger date and Transaction date during the process of AutoInvoice depends on the following:

1. The columns that are populated in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table, namely:


2. Selection of the Derive Date Option in the Accounting Information Tab of the Transaction Sources window.

3. Whether or not Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules are used.

4. Setting of the GL Date in a Closed Period option in the AutoInvoice Options tab of the particular Transaction Batch Source.

5. Default Date entered while submitting the AutoInvoice Program.

Once imported as a transaction in receivables, the GL date used by AutoInvoice is stored in the table.column: RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL.GL_DATE.

Note: The GL date discussed in this note is for the initial accounting entry booked to record the creation of the invoice. For invoices with rules, Revenue Recognition will generate additional accounting entries and may impact the dates seen by users when reviewing transactions in Receivables.

Monday, September 14, 2015

How To upload Default Payment Method for Supplier Sites

There is no process to assign default payment methods to Supplier Sites in bulk.

The Payment Method isn't even an attribute of the Supplier or Supplier Site, but an indirect attribute of the IBY Payee record associated with the Supplier or Supplier Site.

The default Payment Method for a Supplier Site is the row in the table IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS linked to the Payee of the Supplier site that has Primary_Flag = "Y".

The reason why the form does not give a warning that a Supplier Site has no default payment method is that this is not a required field.

The following setup can be done on payments side so that if there is no payment method defined at supplier or supplier site, a system level default is used instead.

See Payment Method Defaulting Rules in the Payment Administrator form.

Payment Administrator form->Oracle Payments Setup > Payment Methods >Payment Method Defaulting Rules

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Project budget fund check errors and corrective actions

Funds Check Result Messages

The following table lists funds check result codes and messages, and provides

information on responding to each message.

Result Code
Result Text
Corrective Action
Insufficient Funds                               
Ensure that funds are available
No budget exists at the resource level
Ensure that a budget exists at the resource level
No budget exists at the resource group level
Ensure that a budget exists at the resource group level
No budget exists at the task level     
Ensure that a budget exists at the task level
No budget exists at the top task level
Ensure that a budget exists at the top task level
No budget exists at the project level
Ensure that a budget exists at the project level
No budget exists at the project account level
Ensure that a budget exists at the project account level
The transaction failed funds check at the resource level
Increase the budget at the resource level or change the budgetary control level to Advisoryor None
The transaction failed funds check at resource group level
Increase the budget at the resource group level or change the budgetary control level to Advisoryor None
The transaction failed funds check at the task level
Increase the budget at the task level or change the budgetary control level to Advisory or None
The transaction failed funds check at the top task level
Increase the budget at the top task level or change the budgetary control level to Advisory or None
The transaction failed funds check at the project level
Increase the budget at the project level or change the budgetary control level to Advisory or None
The transaction failed funds check at project account level
Increase the budget amount at the project account level
The transaction failed to populate burden cost
Contact your system administrator for assistance
Funds check failed because of invalid budget versions
Create a baseline version for the project budget
Funds check failed during setup and summarization 
Contact your system administrator. Your system administrator can run funds validation with PA debug on to identify the error.
The resource list is invalid or null
If the project budget is categorized by resource, then ensure that you assign a resource list to the budget
The amount type or boundary code is invalid
Update the amount type or boundary code in the budgetary control settings for the project
The amount type or boundary code is invalid for no time phase
To create a budget without time phases, select an amount type ofProject to Date and a boundary code of Project in the budgetary control settings for the project
Invalid boundary code for amount type Project To Date
Contact your Oracle Projects super user for assistance. Your Oracle Projects super user can verify the amount type and boundary code combination for the project.
Invalid boundary code for amount type Year To Date
Select either Year or Period as the boundary code in the budgetary control settings for the project
Invalid boundary code for amount type Period To Date
Select Period to Date as the boundary code in the budgetary control settings for the project
Funds check failed because of invalid resource list member
Verify that the resource list member is included in the resource list. If the member is included in the list, then ensure that the resource list member is valid.
Start date or end date is null for the specified date range
For a budget with a Project to Dateamount type and Project boundary code, ensure that a budget line exists for the period or that you specify both a start date and an end date for the project.  For other amount type and boundary code combinations, ensure that a budget exists for the period associated with the transaction.
Start date or end date is null for the specified PA period
For a budget with a Project to Dateamount type and Project boundary code, ensure that a budget line exists for the period or that you specify both a start date and an end date for the project.  In addition, ensure that the PA period is valid.
Funds check failed because of invalid budget entry method
Ensure that the Burdened Costoption is enabled for the budget entry method
Could not map to a budget line while deriving budget account
Ensure that budget lines are generated for all periods
Start date or end date is null for the specified GL period
For a budget with a Project to Dateamount type and Project boundary code, ensure that a budget line exists for the period or that you specify both a start date and an end date for the project.  For a budget with a time phase of GL Period, ensure that the period is valid and that it is not set up as an adjustment period.
Funds check failed while calculating start date or end date
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can trace the process to obtain additional information.
No matching requisition was found for this purchase order
Contact your system administrator.  Data issues can cause this error.
No matching purchase order was found for this invoice
Contact your system administrator.  Data issues can cause this error.
Failed due to fatal error while inserting burden cost
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can trace the process to obtain additional information.
Could not acquire lock: funds checks are running concurrently
Retry the funds check
Funds check failed because of unexpected error
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can trace the process to obtain additional information.
Funds check failed because budget baselining is in progress
Retry the funds check after the baseline process for the budget is complete
The GL funds check failed for the check funds mode
Decrease the project budget or increase the GL budget
The GL funds check encountered fatal errors
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can trace the process to obtain additional information.
The GL funds check failed for the full mode
Decrease the project budget or increase the GL budget
The GL funds check failed for the partial mode
Decrease the project budget or increase the GL budget
Funds check failed to generate the return code
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can trace the process to obtain additional information.
Funds check failed to update budget account balances
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can trace the process to obtain additional information.
No budget account on raw line
Ensure that a budget account exists
No baselined budget version exists for this project
Create a baseline version for the project budget
Encumbrance accounting event could not be created
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can review the log files to obtain additional information. 
This error relates to setup for Oracle Subledger Accounting.  If you modified a predefined application accounting definition, then you must revalidate it. In addition, verify any modifications to the predefined subledger accounting setup.
Account changed for a budget line with an existing transaction
Ensure that account has not been changed for a budget line with an existing transaction
Transaction failed in full mode
A related transaction in the process failed. Fix the related distribution line that failed funds check and then rerun the funds check.
Oracle Subledger Accounting application failed
Contact your system administrator.  Your system administrator can review the log files to obtain additional information. 
This error relates to setup for Oracle Subledger Accounting.  If you modified a predefined application accounting definition, then you must revalidate it. In addition, verify any modifications to the predefined subledger accounting setup.
Distribution record missing in General Ledger table
Contact your system administrator. Your system administrator can review the log files to obtain additional information. 
This error relates to setup for Oracle Subledger Accounting.  If you modified a predefined application accounting definition, then you must revalidate it. In addition, verify any modifications to the predefined subledger accounting setup.