Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Error Message: ORA-04061: existing state of has been invalidated

Error Message: ORA-04061: existing state of has been invalidated ORA-04061: existing state of has been invalidated ORA-04061: existing state of package "APPS.GL_WF_JE_APPROVAL_PKG" has been invalidated ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package "APPS.GL_WF_JE_APPROVAL_PKG" ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "APPS.GL_WF_JE_APPROVAL_PKG


Please follow the below process to fix the issue .

Step - 1

Shutdown the concurrent manager





sqlplus apps/apps

SQL>alter package GL_WF_JE_NOTIFICATION_PKG complie;
SQL>alter package GL_WF_JE_NOTIFICATION_PKG compile body;


Restart the concurrent manager


Run the Journal apporval process 

Monday, July 10, 2017

"ADFI-05566 Unable to retrieve values for the last binding "OrgIdlist", or for one or more of its dependent lists"


"ADFI-05566 Unable to retrieve values for the last binding "OrgIdlist", or for one or more of its dependent lists"

Details of the error:

The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Source: System


Set the DEFAULT_ORG_ID profile for the user to one of the accessible Business Units

Go to Setup and Maintenance
Search for the task "Manage Administrator Profile Values"
Go to Task
Search for Profile option code "DEFAULT_ORG_ID"
Click on + icon on last table
Set the profile level as User
Set the user name in User Name
Set the Business Unite name in Profile Value and save and close

If you are using Internet Explorer Version 10 which is not certified with Fusion Applications as of April 2014, you will need to do the step above AND:

Open Excel
File > Options > Trust Center
click Trust Center Settings button
Select Protected View in left panel
Un-check the first two check boxes.
Click OK (twice) to close the dialogs.
Close Excel.

If you would like to keep Protected View, use the following workaround:
When prompted if you would like to save or open excel. Choose save. And then later open excel file from saved location.

Also check:

Open Excel and > Excel Options > Trust Center.
> Trust Center Settings.
> Macro Settings.
> Select the Trust access to the VBA project object model check box.
> Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.

Monday, May 29, 2017

"Enter a value less than or equal to 8 characters for the account (CE-660079)."


error while uploading the bank account using spreadsheet.

"Enter a value less than or equal to 8 characters for the account (CE-660079)."


Search with: Manage Cash Management Profile Options 

Please set country specified profile option at site level.

CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL profile option to Yes at site or user level who trying to modify bank account.

Friday, May 12, 2017

You can provide at most one receivables account for a transaction (invoice, debit memo, or credit memo)


You can provide at most one receivables account for a transaction (invoice, debit memo, or credit memo)


This issue happen due to missing grouping Rules Setup - you expect the interface data to create multiple transactions but instead records are being grouped into one. Since there are multiple REC rows in the data this causes the error to be raised since a transaction can only have one REC row.

1. Verify the grouping rule associated to the Transaction Batch Source you are using

a. Search "Manage Transaction Sources" from Setup & Maintance Screen
Query for Batch Source Name = RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.BATCH_SOURCE_NAME and check in AutoInvoice Options tab the value in Grouping Rule

2. Check your Grouping Rules setup

a. "Manage AutoInvoice Grouping Rules" from Setup & Maintance Screen

b. Ensure that you have defined a grouping rule setup for each type of transaction: Invoice, Credit Memo, Debit memo

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Fusion Cloud customer upload error codes

Error Codes on Bank Interface Table (RA_CUSTOMER_BANKS_INT_ALL)

S1 - The customer reference specified is invalid
S2 - The address reference specified is invalid
S3 - The address reference specified is not valid for this customer
S7 - An active BILL_TO site must be defined for this customer and address
V2 - The bank account specified must be of type 'EXTERNAL'
W1 - BANK_NAME is mandatory when the bank account is not defined
W2 - BANK_BRANCH_NAME is mandatory when the bank account is not defined
W3 - BANK_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_CODE is mandatory when account not defined
b7 - BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM is mandatory when the bank account is not defined
V3 - This customer bank is already active between the dates specified
V4 - Customer site bank account already active between these dates
V5 - This customer already has a primary bank account for the dates specified
V6 - Customer site has a primary bank account for the dates specified
V7 - Customer bank is already defined to be active for this date range
V8 - Duplicate primary customer banks defined within the interface table
W6 - Duplicate bank number in interface table
W5 - Bank number already existing.
f8 - Bank number and Branch number already exist.
W8 - Duplicate bank name & branch in interface table
W0 - Bank name & branch already existing
S6 - bank end date should be greater than start date
W7 - Bank primary flag specified is invalid .
B9 or w7 - territory code for bank is not defined in fnd_territories
w6 - bank home country is mandatory
Z1 - Bank Creation Failed
Z2 - Bank Branch or bank account creation failed.

Error Codes on Payment method Interface table (RA_CUST_PAY_METHOD_INT_ALL)

S1 - The customer reference specified is invalid
S2 - The address reference specified is invalid
S3 - The address reference specified is not valid for this customer
S7 - An active BILL_TO site must be defined for this customer and address
S4 - payment method name provided is not valid.
S6 - Start date should be less than end date.
T1 - Start date and end dates is invalid for the specified receipt method in account level.
W7 - primary_flag for the receipt method should be either Y/N or blank
T2 - Start date and end dates is invalid for the specified receipt method in site level.
T3 - Start date and end dates is invalid for the specified receipt method

Error Codes on Profiles interface table (RA_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_INT_ALL)

Z0 - if currency code is not specified, then interest rate ,maximum interest charge,minimum dunning amount,minimum dunning invoice amount, minimum fc balance amount,
minimum fc invoice amount, min statement amount,overall credit limit and transaction credit limit are not expected to be defined.

b1 - if transaction credit limit is a positive value , overall credit limit is Mandatory and should be greater than transaction credit limit
if transaction credit limit -1 or NULL , overall credit limit should be -1 or NULL.
b2 - transaction credit limit should be less than overall credit limit
K4 - late charge type specified is not valid
K5 - late charge calculation trx specified is not valid
K6 - When late charge calculation trx is specified to be AVG_DAILY_BALANCE, cons inv flag should be Y.
K7 - When late charge calculation trx is specified to be AVG_DAILY_BALANCE, Null is expected in late charge type,interest period days,interest calculation period,
hold charged invoices flag columns .
K8 - interest calculation period specified is not valid
K9 - multiple interest rates flag should be either Y/N or blank .
K10 - hold charged invoices flag should be either Y/N or blank .
K11 - late charge term id specified is not valid
K12 - late charge type cannot be ADJ when late charge term id is defined.
K13 - credit items flag should be either Y/N or blank .
K14 - disputed transactions flag should be either Y/N or blank .
K15 - exchange rate type specified is not valid
K16 - min fc invoice overdue type specified is not valid
K17 - min fc balance overdue type specified is not valid
K18 - Interest type specified is not valid
K19 - if interest type is FIXED_RATE then interest rate column is mandatory and interest fixed amount and interest schedule id should be null
if interest type is FIXED_AMOUNT then interest fixed amount column is mandatory and interest rate and interest schedule id should be null .
if interest type is CHARGES_SCHEDULE then interest schedule id is mandatory and interest fixed amount and interest rate should be null .
K20 - Penalty type specified is not valid
K21 - if penalty type is FIXED_RATE then penalty rate is mandatory and penalty fixed amount and penalty schedule id should be null .
if penalty type is FIXED_AMOUNT then penalty fixed amount is mandatory and penalty rate and penalty schedule id should be null .
if penalty type is CHARGES_SCHEDULE then penalty schedule id is mandatory and penalty fixed amount and penalty rate should be null .
K22 - interest fixed amount cannot be negative
K23 - penalty fixed amount cannot be negative
K24 - min interest charge cannot be negative
K26 - penalty rate specified cannot be less than 0 or greater than 100
K27 - min fc invoice percent specified cannot be less than 0 or greater than 100
K28 - min fc balance percent specified cannot be less than 0 or greater than 100
K29 - interest schedule id specified is invalid
K30 - penalty schedule id specified is invalid
K31 - match by autoupdate flag should be either Y/N or blank
K32 - preferred contact method specified is invalid
K33 - exception rule name specified is invalid
K34 - automatch rule name specified is invalid
K45 - CONS_BILL_LEVEL must be null when CONS_INV_FLAG is N or null.
w2 - credit classification value specified is not valid
a2 - tax printing option value specified is not valid
X6 - Currency Code specified is not valid
X5 - grouping rule name specified is not valid.
y5 - autocash hierarchy name adr specified is not valid.
N0 - autocash hierarchy name specified is not valid.
N9 - percent collectable cannot be less than 0 or greater than 100
N8 - account status specified is not valid
N7 or b6 - statement cycle name specified is not valid
b8 - auto rec incl disputed flag should be either Y/N or blank
N5 - override terms should be either Y/N or blank
b4 - payment grace days cannot be a negative value.
N4 or b5 - standard term name specified is not valid
y4 - lockbox matching option specified is not valid
N3 - risk code specified is not valid
N2 - credit rating specified is not valid
N1 - credit hold specified is not valid
X4 - charge on finance charge flag should be either Y/N or blank
Z6 - when discount terms is Y then discount grace days should be a positive number
Z7 - when discount terms is N then discount grace days can only be -1 or NULL
Z5 - when discount terms is NULL then discount grace days can only be -1 or NULL
M6 - discount terms should be either Y/N or blank
M5 - tolerance should be between -100 and +100
M4 - credit checking should be either Y/N or blank
b4 or M3 - collector name specified is not valid
B7 - You should provide a valid profile class name or atleast one seeded profile class should exist in the system
f4 - clearing days should be a positive value.
O7 - if interest charges is Y then a positive value for interest period days is expected.
L1 - Collector name cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
L2 - tolerance cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
L3 - discount terms cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
L4 - dunning letters cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
04 - credit checking cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
L5 - interest charges cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
L6 - statements cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
L7 - credit balance statements cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
X1 - auto rec incl disputed flag cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
X0 - override terms cannot be null provided customer profile class name is not null
M7 - dunning letters should be either Y/N or blank
L9 - When dunning letters are enabled , dunning letter set name Cannot be null
Z8 - When dunning letters are disabled , dunning letter set name is not supposed to have a value.
Z9 - dunning letter set name should be null when dunning_letters column is NULL.
M0 - credit balance statements should be either Y/N or blank
M8 - interest charges should be either Y/N or blank
M1 - interest period days is mandatory when interest charges is Y
O5 - charge on finance charge flag should be either N or NULL when interest charges is N
O6 - interest period days should be NULL when interest charges is N
Z3 - charge on finance charge flag Must be blank when interest charges is not specified
Z4 - interest period days Must be blank when interest charges is not specified
M9 - statements should be either Y/N or blank
O1 - statement cycle name Cannot be null when statements is Y
X7 - credit balance statements Cannot be null when statements is Y
X8 - credit balance statements should be N when statements is N
X9 - statement cycle name Should be Null when statements are specified to be N
Z1 - credit balance statements should be left blank when statements are not specified
Z2 - statement cycle name should be left blank when statements are not specified
J8 - insert Update flag should be either I or U
a4 - account/site profile exists cannot do the insert
a3 - account/site profile doesn't exist to update
S1 - invalid account/site specified for profile insert
a7 - two profiles cannot be of same currency code.
a8 - two profiles cannot be of same name.

Unable to see direct SQL option under subject area in fusion BI


Unable to see fusion Direct SQL option under subject area in fusion BI after upgrade R11 to R12


1. Login to Fusion Application and choose the "Security Console" option

2. Under the Roles Tab, click on Create Role button and fill out the form as seen in the screen shot

3. Click next till you get to the "Role Hierarchy" and then click on the Plus sign (+) to add the seeded BI Administrator Role

4. Search for the BI Administrator Role and then click on "Add Role Membership"

5. Click Next and then Submit the request

6. To assign the newly created "Custom BI Administrator Role" to a user, you need to query up the Role and click "Edit Role"

7. Click Next or jump to "Users" and then click on "Add User"

8. Search for the user and then click on "Add User to Role" button

9. Then click on Next and then "Save and Close"

10. Now run the "Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes" ESS Job.

The user should now have the BI Administrator Role. Please allow up to 20 minutes for the change to take effect.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Oracle receivables Late charge report ended with "no data found"


Oracle receivables Late charge report ended with "no data found"


1. Go into the responsibility: Receivables.

2. Navigate to Customers -> Customer profiles

Query back the profile used on your customers

Click on the 'Late Charge Profile'

Check the 'Late Charge Type'

select 'Adjustment'

Ensure you update all customers when prompted.

If you have already done the above set up and still no invoices are picked up, please check the below.

Please select 'Charge Schedule Per Invoice' instead of 'Charge Schedule Per Tier'.In 'Charge Schedule Per Invoice' the 'Schedule Type' can be defined as 'Percentage' as well as 'Amount' Type.The set up for 'Charge schedule Per Invoice' is same as 'Charge Schedule per Tier' where we can define our own slabs.

Whereas In 'Charge Schedule Per Tier' the 'Schedule Type' can be defined only as 'Amount'.

Oracle receivables Late charge report ended with null output (not generating output)


Late charge report not generating output


Set the profile to Yes at the site level.

Profile Name: "AR: Use Statement, Dunning, and Late Charges"

Responsibility: System Administrator

Navigation: Profile > System

Query Profile : AR: Use Statement, Dunning, and Late Charges

Set the profile option to "Yes" at the site level.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Setup Oracle Payable Withholding Tax (AWT) in R12

Oracle Account Payable – Withholding Tax Setup & Flow - R12

1. Create Special Calendar for AWT

2. CIS Calendar Profile Option

3. Define Withholding Supplier (Tax Authority)

4. Create Withholding Code

5. Define Withholding Group

6. Configure Payable Options

7. Enable Withholding Tax applicability in the vendors

8. Perform AWT Transactions/Transaction flow

1. Create Special Calendar for WHT

Create Monthly Special Calendar

(N) Setup>Calendar>Special Calendar

2. Profile option for CIS calendar

Attach your SPL calendar in site level profile option

(N)System Admin>System Profile

3. Define withholding supplier (Tax Authority)

Create Tax Authority supplier to create withholding invoices

(N)Supplier > Entry

Select the supplier type as “Tax Authority”

4. Create withholding code

Create withholding tax code with attaching the tax authority, SPL calendar and withholding tax percentage.

(N) Setup>Tax>withholding>Code

5. Define withholding Group

Create withholding group and attach the withholding code to it.

(N) Setup>Tax>withholding>Group

6. Configure Payables Option

Setup payables option for withholding tax,

(N) Setup>Options>Payables Options

7. Enable withholding tax applicability in the vendors

Allow withholding tax in the supplier and supplier site level for withholding tax applicability

(N)Supplier > Entry

8. Perform withholding tax Transactions

Create AP invoice for withholding tax supplier to test your configuration.

Invoice deducted the withholding tax

Query the “Tax Authority” to find the withholding tax invoice

End the Process...